Running Injuries – Running, along with walking has been the primary mode of human locomotion since the early age of humankind; some even contend that it had a pivotal role in human evolution. Running can be quite a beneficial endeavor and regular runners reap the health benefits of this ancient activity, such as lower rates of cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurological disorders, infections, disability, and overall mortality compared to non-runners as they age. There is no indication that runners have a greater incidence of osteoarthritis of the lower extremities, proving that the body is well-adapted to handling the type of chronic loads encountered during regular running over time.
However, studies have found that anywhere from 24-65% of runners, both recreational and competitive, report at least one running-related injury per year. Various factors can contribute to the development of injuries, but all can be broken down into eight categories.
- Imperfections in structural and functional anatomy – Examples are body misalignments, poor muscular strength and flexibility
- Faults in running techniques – The most common error in technique encountered in clinical practice is over-striding (running with an abnormally low cadence), which is linked to excessive stress on the lower extremities.
- Faulty training and recovery – Perhaps the most prevalent factor leading to injury. Many injuries are a result of an increase in mileage, completion of a race, or increased training intensity.
- Nutritional errors – inadequate balance of diet and hydration
- Improper footwear: type, fit, function, and condition
- Improper care of feet and body when not running – Improper or suboptimal footwear may contribute to injuries such as plantar fasciitis and stress fractures.
- Underlying medical conditions – Examples would include diabetes, neurologic, inflammatory, or neoplastic disorders.
- Traumatic injuries – These include sprains, fractures, ruptured tendons, etc. Acute traumatic injuries may result in chronic conditions.
Treating runners’ injuries is not just fixing the immediate problem, but taking into consideration all factors, to keep him/her healthy and running.
As a runner, I understand the drive and training that goes into both recreational and competitive running. I know how important it is to stay healthy and pain free. Treating acute injuries quickly usually results in less down time. Our office is the only medical office in the Tri-State area offering MLS Laser Therapy. This painless and effective procedure delivers rapid pain relief, reduction of inflammation and timely healing of sprains and strains. Foot pain is not normal; it is your body’s way of telling you to take action. Listen to what your body is telling you – contact us today, call 513-729-4455 or simply send us a contact email, we can get you back on your feet.
(Source: Podiatry Management, Feb 2013)