When it comes to maintaining good health, your posture is just as important as your diet, exercise, and sleep habits. Believe it or not, your posture affects the performance of dozens of different bodily systems (e.g., breathing, digestion, elimination, etc.), and it can make all the difference between living a life full of energy and just dragging along, feeling tired all the time. Keep in mind that with every step you take (and when you’re standing still), your feet are bearing the weight of your body, transferring the stress of impact throughout the entire body in one form or another.

While it is well-known that your feet can affect your posture, the reverse is also true; your posture affects your feet as well. Below are some key points that illustrate how posture affects your feet, as well as some tips to help you reduce stress on your feet by way of better posture.

  • If you regularly perform movements or activities with an unstable center of gravity, this can create extra stress on your feet. Any time your posture is off-center, it distributes more weight (and thus stress) to your feet and ankles, which can eventually cause foot pain or discomfort.
  • Be sure to remain as centered as possible when walking, and avoid walking with your shoulders slumped over or with your head down. Stand tall, with your head directly over your shoulders, your neck straight and your chin parallel to the floor. Your chest should not be protruding too far forward, but instead should be in natural alignment with your hips.
  • Add core exercises to your workout regimen, and practice tightening your abdominal muscles several times throughout the day. A strong core will help bear the weight of your upper body instead of transferring it all down to your legs and feet.
  • Try walking with a smoother gait. If you’re heavy on your feet or tend to “stomp” when walking, lighten up your stride a little so that you won’t pound the ground too much. A podiatrist can give you tips for adjusting your gait.

Implementing the above tips will take some getting used to, but with enough practice, they’ll become second nature. Not only will improving your posture boost your overall health, but your feet will thank you for it as well!