Well-made orthotics are customized to your feet and are a prescription device. Even so, it’s important to know how to spot the signs that may mean you need a replacement or reassessment.

How can you tell that orthotics may need replacing?

Take good care of your orthotics and check them regularly yourself. If you’re unsure whether there is a problem, ask your podiatrist to reassess their suitability and effectiveness. They will then be able to tell you whether you’ll need replacement orthotics.

  • Uneven shoe wear and damage to the arches can indicate balance problems – this is a common sign that reassessment is necessary
  • If you suffer any new symptoms, get your orthotics checked out professionally in case any changes are needed.

How long should you wait?

If your orthotics have any obvious damage, or have become uncomfortable, you should have them reassessed right away. Even if they seem fine, they’ll need checking from time to time, since even small faults may cause long-term foot problems.

  • Everyone’s feet change in length and width over time.
  • Your prescription must be kept up-to-date. Ask your podiatrist how long your orthotics should be worn before updating them.
  • If you suffer from progressive arthritis, your orthotics are likely to need more frequent replacement.

What are the dangers of not having orthotics replaced?

Orthotics that no longer fit properly will no longer maintain your body’s alignment correctly. Although you may not notice any problems at first, after a while you may start to feel discomfort and pain. Your podiatrist will be able to help if this happens.

  • Worn-out orthotics can cause pain in other areas than your feet: your calves, thighs and even your back may be affected.
  • Because your feet will no longer have the right support, you will also be more likely to suffer further injuries, such as sprains.