Importance of Proper Footgear Proper footgear is crucial in pickleball, as many injuries stem from inadequate footwear. Unlike running shoes, which support linear motion, court shoes are designed for lateral movement, providing the necessary stability and support...
Common Injuries in Pickleball As pickleball grows in popularity, there is an increased focus on understanding the types of injuries players might face. Most injuries occur among players aged 50 and above, with a peak during the first quarter of the year—often...
Physical Well-being Playing pickleball is a fantastic way to improve your physical fitness. The game requires quick movements, agility, and endurance, which contribute to cardiovascular health and overall stamina. Regular play helps tone muscles and improve...
The Rise of Pickleball Pickleball is not just another racket sport. Since its inception in 1965 by Washington State Senator Joel Pritchard, it has evolved into a unique game that merges elements of tennis, paddleball, and platform tennis. Over the past three years,...
Nobody likes blisters. They’re painful, aggravating, and just an all-around nuisance to deal with. If you’re not quite sure how to properly care for your blister(s), use the following list of dos and don’ts to make its unpleasant visit as...
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-invasive, non-surgical method commonly used by podiatrists to reduce heel pain. Contrary to its somewhat intimidating name, ESWT does not send any electricity into the body (you can breathe a sigh of relief now); it...
When it comes to maintaining good health, your posture is just as important as your diet, exercise, and sleep habits. Believe it or not, your posture affects the performance of dozens of different bodily systems (e.g., breathing, digestion, elimination, etc.),...
Foot pain is no picnic–in fact, at times it can be debilitating. After all, we’re talking about the area of your body that supports all of your weight, and takes the most abuse in terms of direct impact when you’re walking. If you are...
Yes, they’re adorable. But they’re also growing and changing at a rapid pace, just like the rest of your baby. Here’s how to take care of your baby’s feet so they can grow into healthy kids, teens, and eventually adults. First, make sure that socks, booties,...
Ingrown toenails are no joke: they can be very painful as well as unsightly, and if they get infected you may need extra medical treatment. If you’ve had recurring problems with ingrown toenails, here are some tips to help you avoid them in the future. Trim your...