If you spend most of your day on your feet, then you know all about the discomforts of foot pain and how it can affect your whole body. There may not be any way to change the rigors of your daily life, but there are ways to get through each day with a minimum amount of pain.

Vary your position

One thing that will cause your feet stress is standing for many hours without a break. So, set a timer to take a walk break, sit for a few minutes and prop your feet up or do some basic stretches for your feet, legs and back. If you can, try to do something once an hour.


Speaking of stretching, even if you’re working in a confined, crowded space where moving around isn’t easy, you can still give your feet a gentle workout. Doing simple stretching exercises will keep your muscles in shape and help with foot pain.

  • Calf raises are ideal if you can’t move around much. You can also try hip rotations to help with blood flow.
  • Other exercises you could try include knee flexes, hamstring stretches and simply wiggling your toes!

Wear comfortable shoes

One of the most common causes of foot pain is wearing badly-fitting shoes, so choose well-made footwear that supports your feet. Ask your podiatrist for advice if you’re not sure what to look for.

  • Avoid wearing high heels or really pointed shoes at work. They may look good, but your feet will regret it later on!
  • Orthotic supports will help you stand with the best posture for relieving discomfort and avoiding more serious foot problems.

Try an ice pack

One of the simplest and most effective ways of reducing pain if you’ve been standing for hours is to ice your feet. Ask your podiatrist first, as a few foot conditions can be made worse if you apply ice to them.

  • Place the ice pack carefully against the soles of your feet, and hold it there for at least 15 minutes.
  • If you don’t have access to ice at your workplace, a bottle full of really cold water will make a good alternative.