My training for the 4-way with cheese at the Flying Pig continues on.  This past week I had the opportunity to run with a friend of mine (and running coach) who pushes me like no other.  It had been a while since we ran together but it was just like old times…mostly it’s her giving me all kinds of friendly abuse in order to push me and support me.  Then my long run this weekend was all about hills. Have you ever noticed that on an out-and-back the hills go UP the entire way, both directions…Yikes!  Anyone who has run with me more than twice likely notices that I’m obsessed with the right shoelace tie.  Even on shorter training runs I’ll have to stop at least once to re-tie my shoe(s). Knock on wood so far I have not had to stop during a race to adjust my lacing.  Too tight and it hurts, too loose and my feet have to work too hard, etc etc..and so I got to thinking: what bits of helpful tips can I give new (or even seasoned) runners about lacing their shoes for better foot comfort?

  • If you have a bunion, consider skipping the eyelets closest to your toes.  If you have a bone spur on top of your foot (often half way between your toes and your ankle) then parallel lace your laces on either side of the bump.  If one (or both) of your heels slip, try ankle locking your laces.  Before any race, I lace my shoes, do a warm up jog to ensure the proper lace, and hope I like it for the next several/many miles!

I have a full page of great tips to maintain Foot Care for Runners. Check it out. You might also want to register for updates via email.